Something is Bad on the Internet

Is there an immediate threat to human safety?
Contact local law enforcement.
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Does this issue involve child sexual abuse materials?
Contact local CSAM authority.
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Is the issue related to human trafficking, distribution of opioids, or a specific and credible threat to safety?
Contact the domain registrar.
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Is the issue related to content on a platform (like a social media platform like Facebook or YouTube or forum platform like Reddit)?
Contact the platform.
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Is the issue related to malware, botnets, phishing or pharming?
Contact the domain registrar.
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Is the issue with the domain name?
Is the issue trademark related?
Is the issue related to content on a website?
Contact the domain registrant.
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Didn't find what you were looking for?
Submit an issue on GitHub or start over.
Contact the website administrator. Does this resolve the issue?
Didn't find what you were looking for?
Submit an issue on GitHub or start over.
Thank you for reporting something bad online.
Start over
Contact the domain registrant. Does this resolve the issue?
Thank you for reporting something bad online.
Start over
Contact the web host. Does this resolve the issue?
Thank you for reporting something bad online.
Start over
If the issue causes harm to humans, contact the domain registrar.
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